Bruce Chapin

Bruce Chapin

Bruce Chapin

October Gallery Exhibit

Our October Midtown Gallery Jewelry Artist is Bruce Chapin.

Please join us on Thursday, October 19th from 5 pm to 8 pm for a reception!

1125 N Main, Hutchinson


Bruce Chapin – Bio

Silversmith and Enameling Artist

Artist and jewelry designer working with silver, fine silver, semi-precious jewels, copper, and enamel to create one-of-a-kind jewelry and art pieces. The primary aesthetic is utilizing natural shapes and forms to create a three-dimensional form language in metal, gemstones, and pearls for body decoration. Enameling work is with copperware, music boxes, and jewelry. Also skilled in the fabrication of Viking shields, Renfaire accessories, and cosplay props.

Core Competencies Include:

Jewelry design and production of rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants and necklaces.

Silver and copper fabrication of jewelry and art objects

Silver casting of jewelry and art objects

Mounding both faceted and cabochon stones

Enameling jewelry, panels, and copperware

Having given a silversmithing demonstration at the Museum of World Treasures

Design and fabrication of belts, hangers, pouches, sheathes shields, and jewelry for Renfaire use.

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